Amish Buggy in Fall Sunday Morning
An Amish buggy on a rural Indiana road is going to church, along with others who are walking. The leaves on the tree are golden and you can almost feel the nip in the air.
The image is laminated to a high quality MDF board which is about 3/4 inches thick. The board's edges are coated black and beveled. The resulting piece stands out from the wall and the black edge can be seen from almost any angle.
A great addition that will help make any house a home.
Price varies by configuration. For a non-obligation quote, please call one of our friendly sales associates at 260.768.4725.
An Amish buggy on a rural Indiana road is going to church, along with others who are walking. The leaves on the tree are golden and you can almost feel the nip in the air.
The image is laminated to a high quality MDF board which is about 3/4 inches thick. The board's edges are coated black and beveled. The resulting piece stands out from the wall and the black edge can be seen from almost any angle.
A great addition that will help make any house a home.
Price as Configured: